What is Thalassotherapy?

What is Thalassotherapy?

What is Thalassotherapy?

It consists of the use of Sea Water and Algae, with therapeutic and preventive purposes for the body, which guarantee excellent results for health. Sea Water and Algae are used in various treatments such as the hydromassage circuit, hydromassage with Algae, therapeutic gymnastics in water, Scottish shower. It is advisable to have a cure for 1 to 2 weeks a year, or throughout the year, to achieve the desired health effects.


Absorption of mineral salts, remineralization and replacement of trace elements: seawater/algae between 34-38ºC dilates the pores and allows the absorption of mineral salts - sodium, potassium, calcium and trace elements - mineral salts that are found in very low concentrations in the body but have vital functions in the body, ex: iron, zinc, copper, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, iodine and fluorine;

Circulation Stimulation: the presence of hydromassage in some of the treatments provides a stimulation of the veno-lymphatic circulation. The hydrostatic pressure perpendicular to the vertical axis of the body also stimulates the venous-lymphatic circulation, reducing the sensation of heaviness in the legs;

Analgesic effect: due to the temperature (34º-38ºC) there is muscle relaxation and an analgesic effect. Seawater produces analgesia through the exhaustive stimulation of the skin's bartastic receptors, which stop responding;

Better movement: the sea water has a high density, and when we enter the pool there is a vertical impulsion reducing up to 90% of the body weight, which allows to achieve movements with great amplitudes due to the absence of weight and muscular effort;

Stress Reduction: seawater with movement releases negative ions, which balance our body loaded with positive ions due to physical and mental stress, which causes depression, insomnia, fatigue and nervous/neurological system problems;

Improves breathing: seawater promotes improvements in the upper respiratory system, because it fluidizes the secretions of the upper airways through aerosols released by treatments with seawater. Thus, it is an adjunct in the treatment of sinusitis and rhinitis.


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