Psicologia e Coaching Learn2be

Psychology and Coaching Learn2be


Psychology and Coaching Learn2be 

Learn2be opened a Psychology and Coaching hub in the Thalasso Caparica space, in order to be closer to You!



COACHING – “Coaching changes lives, yours could be next!”

Coaching is a practical technique aimed at the cognitive area of ​​your mind, used to improve your performance, both in your personal and professional life, aiming to obtain observable and measurable results, your performance and your level of self-confidence and self-realization, in a short period of time, previously defined between the Coach and the Client.

Our purpose is to accompany you in your personal and professional transformation process.

Coaching specialties offered:

Learn2be Coaching

Business Coaching



In the Adult Psychology session, you resolve your internal conflicts and organize your mental and emotional apparatus (anxieties, depressions, etc.), clearing all the noise, which often undermines your success and happiness, freeing you (a) recurrent dysfunctional patterns in your life and improving the quality of your relationship with yourself and others.



Herein lies our value. Our team is made up of top professionals, experienced therapists, who were invited to the Learn2Be project, for their value, effectiveness and professionalism. Without a doubt, one of the best teams of therapists in Portugal, who share the same mission: Transmitting value, clarifying directions, promoting security, motivating happiness and helping you achieve success in all areas of your life.

Dr. Elisabete: Psychologist and Coach


Academic and professional path:

– Master in Psychology – Catholic University of Porto

– Degree in Psychology – University of Aveiro

– International Coaching Courses – Life training

– Mind Mapping and Play Therapy Course in the area of ​​Clinical Psychology – Learn2be academy

– Neuropsychology Workshop – University of Aveiro

– CCP Certified Trainer (certificate of pedagogical skills)

– Neurolinguistic Programming Course

– Hypnosis Course

– Transcendental Meditation Course

– Yoga Teacher Course – ekam yoga shala

– Reiki course

– Thetahealing course

– Numerology Course

– Theater and performing arts courses in Porto, Lisbon and Rio de Janeiro

– Experience of around 5 years in Human Resources in the areas of marketing, information technology and other areas

– Experience as a Clinical Psychologist and Coach – Learn2be

– Experience in Coaching, specialist in Personal and Professional Development.




Telephone: 212905655 / 916189585

Dr. Elisabete: email: / Whatsapp (+351)968438273

5pm from 10am to 8pm (on request)

Saturdays (on request)



Coaching (60min) – €54

Adult psychology (60min) – €54

Send us your details, in the side box, and we will contact you to schedule an appointment and answer any questions.

Ask us about the perfect treatment for you!
I read and Agree with:Policy and Terms.*


(+351) 212 905 655
(Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)
(+351) 916 189 585
(Chamada para a rede móvel nacional)

Av. 1º Maio 25-A
2825-397 Costa da Caparica

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