

Yoga - Hatha Yoga - is a system that combines various yoga methods and techniques with the aim of working on all aspects of the human being, from the physical, mental, emotional, social, energetic and intellectual, which will help us to find joy within ourselves. The classes practice posture, breathing and relaxation exercises.


Pedro Manuel Andrade has been a psychologist and yoga teacher for over 20 years. He was a cyclist for 15 years until he suffered a serious accident and decided to practice yoga for a faster recovery, even stopping taking daily pain medication. As he went deeper and realized the benefits of yoga, especially in terms of personal development, he made the decision to teach and share yoga.


"When practicing, we learn that more important than developing our flexibility or exercising our muscles is to surrender to the present moment, and exclusively to ourselves, in order to bring connection, mental clarity and tranquillity. In my classes you will learn to take control of your mind through breathing, you will understand that we are much more than our bodies and you will feel less anxiety, more inner peace and relaxation, becoming a better person in all facets of your life."  


Duration 45min (single lesson):  €15.00

Duration 45min (1x week):  30,00€/month

Duration 45min (2x week):  55,00€/month

Duration 45min (2x week):  €55.00/month

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(+351) 212 905 655
(Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)
(+351) 916 189 585
(Chamada para a rede móvel nacional)

Av. 1º Maio 25-A
2825-397 Costa da Caparica

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